Art Display Space Hire
Are you part of an art or photographic group looking to hire an exhibition space in Wymondham at very reasonable rates?
Our tea room has been redesigned to provide a space for artists to host exhibitions of their work.
It has hanging space across two walls and is accessible for viewing during the museum's normal opening hours. The tea room also has free Wi-Fi internet access available.
We will also advertise your display on this website and our Facebook page.
The cost to hire the space is a very reasonable £25 per calendar month.
If you are interested in hiring this space, you can download more information and a booking form and send the completed form to Amanda Oelrichs (address on the form).
Download information and booking form (PDF 94 kB)
Please note: The document is in PDF format and you will need to have Acrobat Reader installed to use the form.
Alternatively, click here to send us an email and we will be happy to send you more information.